NC Child’s 2025 Legislative Agenda is leading with policy priorities that build family economic security and safeguard youth mental health.
NC Child’s 2024 Legislative Agenda is leading with policy priorities that build family economic security and safeguard youth mental health.
North Carolina has a growing youth mental health crisis. Youth suicides and the number of children suffering from anxiety or depression have both risen sharply over the past several years, outpacing growth nationally and in other states. Perhaps more disturbing, the crisis is impacting our youngest kids, as suicide has been the leading or second leading cause of death among youth ages 10-14 in North Carolina for the last five years. It is crucial that trained professionals can identify and support our children when they are in crisis.
Parents need choices for child care. Across the state, parents face a shortage of quality child care options, which has been made worse by the pandemic. Increasing the subsidy rates to the most recent statewide average rates can help child care centers stay open, or reopen, to serve more children and families who need care to go to work.
Child care access and affordability are a struggle for working families across North Carolina. Without an adequate workforce to provide care, children, families, and our local businesses will suffer the consequences.
The U.S. Chamber Foundation, in partnership with the NC Chamber Foundation and NC Child, commissioned a survey of 517 North Carolina parents with children under the age of six. Survey results were then used to model an estimate of the direct financial impact of insufficient child care coverage on North Carolina’s economy.
NC Child partnered with the North Carolina Department of Commerce to release a report on the economic impacts of the child care crisis and how child care policy can support sustained economic growth in North Carolina.
NC Child’s county data cards provide local snapshots of child well-being by county. They also compare county data to children in the state as a whole. Along with the print-friendly county data cards, we also release an interactive County Data Dashboard, allowing you to dive more deeply into the data for each county.
The North Carolina Child Health Report Card, published biannually by the North Carolina Institute of Medicine and NC Child, tracks key indicators of child health and well-being.
Learn about the ABC’s of ECE, with this informative tool, created in the spring of 2023.
Learn about network adequacy, various types of coverage, and reporting for Medicaid in our state.
Increasing access to affordable health care is critical to ensuring healthy kids and families in North Carolina.
Providing no-cost school meals will fight child hunger in North Carolina and boost our kids’ academic performance.
North Carolinians see a child care crisis—and it is negatively impacting the state’s economy.
A recent statewide survey of North Carolina voters commissioned by the NC Chamber Foundation shows North Carolinians are experiencing a child care crisis that is hurting families and making it hard for businesses to hire employees and grow.
Senior Director of Policy & Government Relations