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Fact Sheet: HB 272 – NC’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Law is a Powerful Children’s Health Tool

February 2021

Ending childhood lead exposure is a proven strategy to protect young children’s long-term health and development. Even low-level exposure to lead can reduce IQ, harming children’s long-term health, success in school, and earning potential over their lifetimes.
As detection improves and we learn more about the harmful effects of lead on the developing brain, it is critical that the NC General Assembly keep the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention statute up to date.

Fact Sheet: Merge NC Health Choice with Medicaid

January 2021

Some children in North Carolina are moved from Medicaid to NC Health Choice at age six, losing access to some of the vital coverage Medicaid provides – especially children with special health care needs. Fully combining the two programs will reduce administrative overhead, and ensure that every child in North Carolina gets the care they need to thrive.

2021 Legislative Agenda

January 2021

As our state’s families continue to face the devastating impacts of the pandemic, it is important for the NC General Assembly to prioritize investments that help kids survive and thrive - now and in the future.

Issue Brief: North Carolina’s Rural Health Systems in Crisis

July 2020

Medicaid expansion is a powerful tool to bolster North Carolina’s rural health system as the state battles coronavirus and the related economic strain.
This brief will explore the relationship between rural child health and Medicaid, the impacts of COVID-19 on rural health systems, and new opportunities for Medicaid expansion as a response to the pandemic.

2020 Data Cards

May 2020

NC Child’s county data cards provide local snapshots of child well-being by county. County data cards present the latest data for key indicators in five areas of children’s well-being: A Strong Start, Family Economic Security, Nurturing Homes and Communities, Health and Wellness, and High-Quality Education. T​hey also compare county data to children in the state as a whole.

2019 Impact Report

April 2020

When every child in North Carolina has the opportunity to thrive, we all benefit. As we look back at 2019, we are so grateful that you joined us as a voice for children in North Carolina.

COVID-19 Response Summary

April 2020

NC Child is pivoting to focus on the immediate needs of children and families during this public health crisis. We are specifically focusing on how we can meet those needs through sound public policy actions.

Fact Sheet: Medicaid changes under COVID-19

April 2020

What families and providers need to know about recent changes to Medicaid

2020 Legislative Agenda

April 2020

Learn about NC Child's priorities for the 2020 legislative session.