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2018 Legislative Agenda

April 2018

In 2018, NC Child focused on suicide prevention, additional funding for school nurses, and closing the health care coverage gap.

2018 County Data Cards

March 2018

NC Child’s county data cards provide local snapshots of child well-being by county. County data cards present the latest data for key indicators in five areas of children’s well-being: A Strong Start, Family Economic Security, Nurturing Homes and Communities, Health and Wellness, and High-Quality Education. T​hey also compare county data to children in the state as a whole.

School-Based Sealant Programs: An Innovative Approach to Improve Children’s Oral Health

March 2018

This brief explores the impact of dental caries on children’s overall health and academic success, and how North Carolina can take steps to improve children’s oral health through the use of school-based sealant programs.

2018 Child Health Report Card

February 2018

The North Carolina Child Health Report Card tracks key indicators on access to care, healthy births, safe homes and neighborhoods, and health risk factors over time and by race and ethnicity.

Giving Birth in North Carolina Is Still a Risky Business

February 2018

Safe pregnancies and healthy babies are inextricably tied to the pre- and post-conception health of mothers. Data show that maternal health factors are a leading contributor to birth outcomes such as fetal viability and infant mortality. Unfortunately in North Carolina, barriers to affordable and consistent healthcare for women pre- and post-conception contribute to stubbornly high rates of fetal and infant death each year, despite advances in clinical care.

In 2016, NC Child published a brief outlining the potential positive benefits of expanded health care coverage on infant mortality. This brief builds upon that work, exploring the similar potential of expanded women’s health insurance access and utilization to affect fetal outcomes as a result of improved maternal health.

2017 Legislative Accomplishments

September 2017

NC Child worked with our partners to achieve big victories for kids in the 2017 legislative session.

2016 Annual Impact Report

July 2017

Download our 2016 Annual Report to celebrate the big policy wins we achieved for kids in North Carolina. Thanks for being a voice for children!

Senate Health Bill Would Damage NC’s Child Welfare System

July 2017

When children come to the attention of the child welfare system, they have invariably experienced significant trauma that demands a robust array of services and support to help them recover. Just weeks ago, North Carolina passed sweeping child welfare reform legislation to improve our state’s level of care for these children. Unfortunately, pending federal health care reform threatens to undermine our state’s good work to protect children from abuse and neglect and to help victims recover.

Senate Budget Reduces Access to Nutrition Assistance for Children and Families

May 2017

The Senate budget (SB 257) includes a provision that would restrict pathways to SNAP eligibility for children and families and unnecessarily increase the program’s administrative burden. If enacted, this change would result in the loss of SNAP assistance for 133,000 North Carolinians—including more than 51,000 children.3